Call for submission – 2023 African DFIs assessment with the PSGRS

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Call for Submission

2023 African DFIs/N-DFIs Assessments with the PSGRS/TSGRS

Deadline for Submission: August 31, 2023

The AADFI has called for the submission of the assessments of African DFIs with the Prudential Standards, Guidelines, and Rating System (PSGRS) and N-DFIs with the Technical Standards, Guidelines, and Rating System (TSGRS), for independent evaluation and rating.

The PSGRS/TSGRS mechanisms assess DFIs and N-DFIs in the areas of Governance, Finance, Operations, and Development Impact.

Further information on the PSGRS/TSGRS and the assessment processes is available at:

– The Brochure PSGRS
– The Briefing Note of the PSGRS

– The Brochure TSGRS
– The Briefing Note of the TSGRS


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